Category Archives: Debt & Credit Free

Is a Loan the Way To Go?

In the society in which we live, we all see from day to day people who have possessions which we would like to own for ourselves. Unfortunately, budgetary concerns make this impossible, in some cases. To overcome this situation, more and more people are looking at taking out personal loans as a way of raising the money to fund their purchases. Of course, there are other reasons for taking out loans. Some people take them for business purposes – in order to raise the capital for an […]

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Is Life Fantastic With Plastic?

We in society have become used to using plastic cards to pay for our purchases, because it promises convenience, speed and reassurance about our situation. While today we may not have the money to pay for that stereo or that holiday, a quick call to a bank can be all it takes to allow you to make the purchase one day and worry about paying it off in the future. When used correctly, credit cards can be beneficial for the user, as they allow a situation where […]

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Where The Banks Have Gone Wrong

It would be very simplistic to place the blame for the global financial crisis at the door of one financial sector, or at the feet of any organization operating within that sector. The reason why the finances of so many major countries are now unstable cannot be pinned down to one thing, but part of it is certainly attributable to unwise lending by banks and other financial institutions. While it could not securely be argued that this was what caused the financial crashes we have seen, there […]

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Irresponsible Lending, Spending and Borrowing

One of the major criticisms of banks which emerged as the extent of the global credit crisis became clear to everyone was that they lent money irresponsibly to too many people. Most of us, if offered the chance to have a spending pot of more money than we earn in a month, would be sorely tempted. And maybe that is the problem. There are those who argue that credit should only be given to those who can show they don’t need it. While this is a tad […]

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Can You Get Credit?

One thing that has been made very clear to people over the last few years is that taking out credit comes with some risks attached. If you are borrowing either on a credit card or a loan, it really is not advisable to borrow “as much as you can”, when the amount that you can borrow tends to be dictated by the bank or institution from which you borrow it. There is some link between your monthly income and your credit rating, and the amount that the […]

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How Times And Views Have Changed

There was a time when to talk of having debts was like openly admitting that you liked to pull the wings off flies. People simply would not confess to having debt, even if it turned out that they did have debts, and quite substantial ones at that. Now, it really doesn’t seem that way. Debt is seen as an accepted hazard and a fact of life by many people – and there have been some good outcomes to that, with many responsible people on lower incomes able […]

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What Does Debt Mean To You?

The very word “debt” is enough to bring fear to a great number of people, suggesting as it does a range of worries from being unable to make mortgage payments, keep a car on the road, take holidays and even, for some people, to eat three good meals daily. There are of course several different kinds of debt, and it is not necessarily a given that debt will always lead to financial meltdown. The key thing to remember is that debt should always be manageable. There are […]

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How Debt Can Ruin Your Life

Most of us, at one time or another, have looked at an item and thought “That would make my life so much better – now if only I had the money to buy it“. Credit is the solution used by many people in this dilemma. In many ways, it is as though a bank were saying to the person “No problem, you can have that item. I’ll pay for it now, and you can pay me back over time”. In this, the bank is acting as the […]

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The Risks of Living On Credit

It is always difficult to live frugally when all around you seem to have more possessions, more money and simply more fun. There are few people in the world who do not enjoy having new, enjoyable possessions which can make life easier, more varied and overall just more fun. The risk of seeing life in this way is that it can make people go to extreme lengths to keep up. No small amount of the financial turmoil that is seen on an individual basis very frequently happens […]

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Cash vs Credit – The Battle Lines Are Drawn

It is a certain fact that where credit used to be the preserve of a few people with major disposable income, now loans and credit cards are common parts of life for most sections of society. This has led to situations where it is assumed that the less well-off are the people who like to take out credit and get into difficulties, believing that society cannot do anything about it. However, it seems clear now that even billionaire and trillionaire banks have been just as slack in […]

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